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  3. iloveenglish.ru/topics/oboazovanie_za_rybezhom

    Рассказы и сочинения "Образование за рубежом / Abroad education" на английском языке с переводом.

  4. https://www.native-english.ru/topics/education-in-russia-2

    Education in Russia (2) - сочинение на английском языке

  5. Education Abroad Research Topics | NAFSA


    16.06.2009 · NAFSA is a member organization promoting international education and providing professional development opportunities to the field.

  6. Topic: Studying abroad. | Lang-8: For learning foreign ...


    Topic request: More and more students choose to study in another country for higher education. This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

  7. engtopic.ru/education

    Schools Abroad; Education in the USA — Образование в США 1; Learning foreign languages — Изучение иностранных языков 3;

  8. engmaster.ru/comp/4745

    Why study abroad (1)? Зачем учиться за рубежом? - Сочинение на английском языке Английский язык онлайн.

  9. Studying English - топик на английском


    The most of pupils has no opportunity for travelling abroad or talking to foreigners ... but the education is one of the most ... Studying English - топик ...

  10. ESL Conversation Questions - Education (I-TESL-J)


    Education A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Where did you go to kindergarten? ... Do many people in your country study abroad?

  11. www.en365.ru/studying_abroad.htm

    Studying Abroad: Учеба за границей: Education is an important part of our life. Many young people tend to get education abroad nowadays and this rush ...

  12. Education in abroad, good or bad? | CreateDebate


    Debate about Education in abroad, good or bad?: Good or Bad